Friday, November 30, 2007

Jizz on deez nuts

The best thing about going to see the Carolina Hurricanes play lately (sadly) is the stop you get to make at the Nut Cart! The Nutty Bavarian stand always has a huge line and would be impossible to find if not for the sweet waft of toasted nuts through the halls of the RBC center. Serve me up some of dem nuts! Yum!

Monday, November 26, 2007

How Do You Jizz?

Watch the following clip of the best part of Enchanted and just try not to smile! If you ask me, the world would be a much better place if we all randomly burst into song.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

crock-vember, crock-cember?

I've been eating crock pot meals for a while now (thanks christina!) but finally mom unloaded an unused slowcooker onto my tiny kitchen. ho-lee geez! this is just what i needed! even if a little prep work is involved, it definitely gives the slow-cooked taste i yearn but never have time for.

why did i wait so long to jizz in a pot?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Golden Jizz

Triangle Brewing Company has a delicious Golden Ale. It acts as an elixir of charm & wit. When I drink it in excess, I am possessed with an overwhelming desire to share my wisdom incessantly with everyone I come in contact with. I think people really love it when I do that. It is surely not the slightest bit annoying . . .

Thursday, November 15, 2007

scott pilgrim/bryan lee o'malley cross-jizz!

this one gets a double jizz from me - Scott Pilgrim 4 came out yesterday and yes it is amazing and Bryan Lee O'Malley is the most awesome dude there is. My best friend from college introduced me to the series and since it's been hard for me to hide my dork-love for SP.

i can't explain how hard i freaked out when i saw this last night:

comic nerd jizz!

Friday, November 09, 2007

Jizzmongers - steamed or raw!

The hours can't pass quickly enough for pukey & I today as we await Oyster happy hour at Fishmonger's. Their motto is "It's that place at the beach that's just down the street!" My motto is "Mmmm - oysters get in my belly!" They have yummy onion rings, too!